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Friends of the school

Friends of Stillington School (FoSS)

FoSS Stillington School’s Parents’ Association, was formed in November 1989 and became affiliated to the National Confederation of Parent-Teacher Associations in 1998.

Our aim is to advance the education of the pupils in the school by:

  • Developing and extending relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school
  • Engaging in activities which support the school
  • Providing, or funding, extra facilities and equipment for the school

Membership All parents, carers, staff, governors, and anyone associated with the school, are automatically members of FoSS.

FoSS Committee 2022/23

  • Chairperson - Mandy Jackson
  • Vice-Chairperson - Marisa Bird
  • Secretary - Lisa Goodwin
  • Treasurer - Emma Johnson
  • School Representative - Catherine Hunter

FoSS Meetings are held once every half term at school, and all parents are welcome to come along. You will find details of upcoming meetings advertised on the school newsletter and the Parents’ notice-board.

If you would like more information about how you can support FoSS, please contact a member of the committee either in person at drop-off or pick-up; or through the school office.

FoSS Fundraising 2021/22

During the 2021/22 school year FoSS held various fundraising events which raised over £800, these included:

  • Bags to School X2
  • Christmas Fair Cake Stall
  • Christmas Squares Raffle
  • Amazon Smile
  • Sports and Social Club Quiz
  • School-Leavers BBQ

FoSS Funds donated to the school 2021/22

During the 2021/22 school year, the school benefited from FoSS donations of over £1,000, these included:

  • £500 donation towards new reading books
  • Christmas Crackers for the children
  • Costs of a bus for the residential trip
  • Leavers' hoodies
  • Easter Eggs for the children
  • BBQ expenses - sweets, napkins etc

Friends of Stillington School submit annual returns to the Charity Commission. For more information, please click here