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  • welcome to

    Stillington Community Primary School

    Love, Learn and Grow Together

    Class 1

    Welcome to Class 1

    Welcome to Class 1, we are a mixed Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class. We support our children to be independent learners, gaining valuable life-long skills during their time with us.

    In Early Years, we guide the children to follow their own interests and ideas to ignite an enthusiasm for learning about the world through a play-based approach. Our approach is rooted in the characteristics of effective learning, helping the children to develop the confidence to play and explore, perseverance and joy in achieving what they set out to do and thinking critically by making links. The children have a daily phonics lesson and a maths or literacy input each morning. During the afternoon, the children have an adult-led inputs around understanding the world, guided reading, expressive arts and design, R.E., personal, social and emotional development and P.E. We finish the day with fine and gross motor activities, such as, funky fingers, squiggle whilst you wiggle and pen disco – which the children greatly enjoy! Alongside this, the children have many regular opportunities to play and explore in both our indoor and outdoor environments.

    In Year 1 and 2, each morning we have registration, collective worship, handwriting, English, phonics and maths. We have a Reading Corner with lots of different stories, poem and non-fiction books, which we love to read. We are a creative class and love joining together for subjects like art, music, DT and outdoor learning. In the afternoons we have PE, guided reading, and a range of foundation subjects, such as science, computing, RE, PSHE and French.