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  • welcome to

    Stillington Community Primary School

    Love, Learn and Grow Together

    Class 2

    Welcome to Class 2

    In Class 2 we have Year 3 , 4, 5,and 6 children who are taught through differentiated lessons tailored to meet all needs. We pride ourselves on our exciting topics that are engaging, creative and memorable! Where possible, we try to give children real experiences and plan regular trips or invite visitors into school to enhance learning opportunities. As a small school, everyone is included and takes part in the sporting events, drama productions and other competitions, such as Choral Speaking. 

    Our school day starts with a retrieval task to recap our prior learning. All children then attend collective worship before completing maths and English each morning. Our afternoons vary across the week, and we enjoy a range of foundation subjects, including PE led by Total Sports, science, RE, design and technology, art, history, geography, computing, music and French. Further information about our curriculum topics can be found on the website. In our lessons, we aim to create a love for learning through practical group work, purposeful tasks, outdoor learning and creative opportunities.

    Pupils are encouraged to work collaboratively and imaginatively to broaden their horizons. We tailor pupils learning to their interests and needs, which is why our pupils love, learn and grow together.